Community Engagement Becky Rusch Community Engagement Becky Rusch

Growing Your Business Through Community Connection: A Win-Win Strategy

When running a business, adding more to your plate can sound daunting. But real community engagement goes beyond just writing checks or showing up at the occasional chamber of commerce meeting. We’re talking about meaningful involvement – the kind where you become a familiar face at local events and people know your name, not just your business card.

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Human Resources Becky Rusch Human Resources Becky Rusch

Navigating HR Challenges: When and Why to Bring in the Experts

In the workplace, your people are your greatest asset - but they can also be your biggest challenge. We don’t live in a world of NPCs (that’s Non-Player Character in video game speak!) - everyone is unique with their own multidimensionality and idiosyncrasies. This is where HR consultants come in, they're like Swiss Army knives ready for human complexities.

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Human Resources Becky Rusch Human Resources Becky Rusch

How Radical Candor Can Help Your Staff Become High Performers

Radical Candor, a management philosophy coined by Kim Scott, is about giving feedback that is both direct and empathetic. When implemented effectively, this approach can foster a high-performance culture by encouraging open communication, personal growth, and stronger relationships between managers and staff. It strengthens the ability to achieve your company's goals, setting it up for long-term success. 

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Human Resources Becky Rusch Human Resources Becky Rusch

Why Leaders Need an Organizational Assessment: A Guide to Organizational Health

An organizational assessment is a comprehensive evaluation that examines every facet of your organization's operations. It's like getting a full-body scan of your organization, revealing both visible and hidden aspects that impact performance. They ensure your organization's capabilities align perfectly with its strategic objectives, providing a clear roadmap for targeted improvements. 

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Marketing Becky Rusch Marketing Becky Rusch

Why Marketing Your Nonprofit is Critical

As a nonprofit leader, you are always striving to create a social impact. Marketing is about mission amplification and you need a megaphone. It’s not just for corporate giants; it's the lifeline that connects passionate organizations with the people who can help them create real change. 

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Marketing Becky Rusch Marketing Becky Rusch

Is There Market Demand for What You’re Offering?

Before you pour your heart (and savings) into launching a new product or service, there's one crucial question you need to ask yourself: Does anyone actually want this thing? Smart entrepreneurs know the secret to success isn't just having a great idea – it's methodically validating market demand through everything from coffee shop conversations with potential customers to strategic pre-sales campaigns before investing serious time and money.

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Strategic Planning Raudhah Rahman Strategic Planning Raudhah Rahman

Don't Assume...Ask! If Your Strategic Plan Doesn't Ask These Questions...You're Missing a Major Point

If your plan is going to be successful, you absolutely have to ask and answer questions in three key areas – assumptions about your organization and the world in which it operates, barriers that will prevent you from being successful, and the unintended consequences that might occur if you’re successful. The next time someone says, "Well, obviously..." or "Everybody knows..." in your planning meeting, raise your hand and play devil's advocate.

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Strategic Planning Raudhah Rahman Strategic Planning Raudhah Rahman

Take the Pain Out of Your Planning Process

We all know that sometimes strategic planning can feel like herding cats while juggling flaming torches. But here's the good news: you can ditch those headaches. We have one favorite tool to hold a productive discussion around what your business or organization should do in the future. That way you can transform planning from a painful marathon into a manageable (and dare we say enjoyable?) process.

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Strategic Planning Raudhah Rahman Strategic Planning Raudhah Rahman

You've Planned, Now What...How to Implement Like a Champ! (Hint: It’s all about the KPIs)

You've sweated through the strategic planning process, so you're ready to take over the world, right? Not so fast. Even the most brilliant plan will fall flat if you don't have the right systems in place to track your progress and course-correct when needed. That's where Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) come in to help you steer your company towards sustainable growth and success.

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Strategic Planning Raudhah Rahman Strategic Planning Raudhah Rahman

Why Your Business Needs a Strategic Plan to Succeed

A strategic plan isn't just a fancy document for nonprofits or big corporations—it's the GPS your business needs to chart the best course toward your goals and keep everyone on your team headed in the right direction. Like a trusted advisor that grows with your business, a well-crafted strategic plan is what separates the businesses that truly thrive from those that just get by. 

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