Don't Assume...Ask! If Your Strategic Plan Doesn't Ask These Questions...You're Missing a Major Point

Imagine three months into implementing your shiny new strategic plan, and something's off. That brilliant initiative you were sure would work? It's falling flat. Your team seems confused, your stakeholders aren't engaged, and you're wondering where you went wrong. 

This may be happening because the success of your strategic plan was built on what you thought you knew, but instead may be getting derailed by what you didn’t know. If your plan is going to be successful, you absolutely have to ask and answer questions in three key areas – assumptions about your organization and the world in which it operates, barriers that will prevent you from being successful, and the unintended consequences that might occur if you are successful.

What You Assume Is True May Not Be

As the old saying goes, “before you know where you’re going, you have to know where you’ve been.” If your strategic planning process doesn’t start by asking questions that get to the root of who you are as an organization and the environment in which you exist, you’re missing a major foundational element of a successful planning process. Make sure you take the time to ask: 

  1. "What do we do really well?" 

  2. "What internal or external forces are at play for us?" 

  3. "Why do we need to do anything differently?" 

Uncover the Hidden Barriers

When we think about where we’d like to go, sure we might be able to spot the obvious obstacles, but what about the sneaky ones? Or the ones that seem pretty far-fetched? If you really want your plan to be successful, you have to consider all of the possibilities of what might prevent that success. Ask these questions to dig deeper: 

  1. "Where will we struggle?" 

  2. "What cultural or social factors might we be overlooking?" 

  3. "What resources do we need to ensure our success?" 

Anticipate the Unintended Consequences 

Every action has a reaction - and sometimes it's not what you expect. If you want to ensure success, you have to imagine all of the potential outcomes of that success. And sometimes those aren’t always wins across the board. While creating new goals or ideas for your organization, you might also create new problems. When planning, ask these essential questions:

  1. "Who might be negatively impacted by this change?" 

  2. "What current programs or relationships could be affected?" 

  3. "What happens if we're too successful too quickly?" 

The next time someone says, "Well, obviously..." or "Everybody knows..." in your planning meeting, raise your hand and play devil's advocate or ask, "Do we have data on that?" or “Why do we believe that to be the case?” Your future self will thank you. Don't let not addressing assumptions, barriers, or unintended consequences be the silent killer of your success. Ask questions. Then ask more questions. Then ask the questions you're afraid to ask. Your organization's success depends on it.

Want to talk further about how our planning process can help? Let’s connect!


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